Tuesday, October 13, 2009

The dating style of the future?

Question: Can you really date/find someone to love on facebook?

Call me old fashioned, but I still find it hard to respond to people I don't know on facebook. Whether it's a friend request or a random message saying hello...I have always been uneasy about the whole thing. Most especially, I find it very difficult to respond positively to strange men who send me that general "hey, you're cute, how are you?" message. Maybe it's because ever since I was a youngling I was taught to NEVER EVER talk to strangers...and I suppose the lesson just stuck with me...carrying over into my Internet world. I mean we've all seen "to catch a predator" on Dateline, and heard all the stories of evil men posing on websites...trying to coarse women into meeting their evil asses so they can do dark and despicable things to them (I know i'm being dramatic, but hey, that shiz is real!). And it's hard enough trying to figure someone out in person, let alone across the world wide web! I guess the whole idea of talking to some strange man on a social networking site just doesn't go over very well in my mind...but am I being unrealistic? Is facebook really the ideal dating tool of the NOW and FUTURE? I initially thought the site was just a cool way for me to stay in touch with people I ALREADY knew, but maybe its purposes have evolved...? I have a cousin whom I think is on every Internet dating site out there, and so far she hasn't had much luck with it. I mean she's met a few guys, but it never seems to work out. She's way older than me though, and I still refuse and don't think it's necessary for me to join any kind of Eharmony, Match-dot-com mess. However, I have decided to test the whole facebook dating theory, and I am in the process of seeing how the jig might possibly work (for the main purpose of this blog of course wink wink). I haven't met anyone who has ever turned a facebook meeting into an actual relationship. So, when I say testing, I mean responding, damn near slightly entertaining, the advances of ONE man (because my ass is too scary and not desperate) I don't know who sent me a message on the site. Of course I am being as careful and cautious as I can possibly be...but I feel after having little success meeting men the old fashioned way, this test just couldn't hurt. However, I am suuuuuper beyond skeptical, but only time will tell.

Bottom line: When I told my mom what I was doing, I think she immediately dropped down to her knees and starting praying. I know, I know, the whole thing makes me nervous too, but it's also kind of exciting at the same time cause it's something new and fun! I'll just have to let ya'll know how it goes.

Love: Testing a new theory.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

I could've had a V8

Question: do women ever fake that big Ocean Wave?

YES! I would say more than half the time! A couple of weeks ago I got into this slightly heated convo with one of my best guy friends...let's call him the "soldier." He went on this rant about how if a woman doesn't reach that pot of gold at the end of the love making rainbow, it's totally her own fault (so selfish and ridiculous by the way!). He also went on to say that no girl has ever faked with him and blah blah blah. Of course I got suckered punched into his outlandish assumptions, and wittingly took to my soap box. My tone was loud, arms were flailing around, and I even stood up to get my point across. And then I stopped to think...you know he's right. It is OUR fault! I say this because us women are doing our men a disservice by allowing them to think they are hitting the target, when in all actuality they couldn't find the target if it was a centimeter from their face. The soldier then asked me, why would a woman even fake it in the first place? And I said, shaking my head, oh little grass hopper...as a woman I can say that it's just not realistic, for whatever unfair reason, for a gal to reach that pot of gold every time. Sometimes we're just distracted, not really feeling it...or a lot of the time it's just NOT GONNA HAPPEN. It is what it is. If you're with someone you love (hopefully you are) and care about deeply, it's an OK fact, and you'll do what you can to make sure somebody makes it to the mountain top. You don't want this person, who is, for lack of a better word, inside of you, to feel like a failure or like he's not doing his job...so the fake is an ego stroke...an ego boost...a selfless act of dedication for your man. You know the intimacy is what carries a lot of the weight in the heart of a woman anyway. But if you're not with someone you love, well, uh, that will probably just be his last show at the theater. Anywhoozle, I think it's time for ladies to start being a little more honest. Yes, the conversation can be awkward, and uncomfortable, but we can't continue to let our men walk around thinking they're the MAN, thinking they're doing all the right things, pleasing you every time, when it's just NOT the case. I mean, I have a friend who's NEVER EVER had one EVER (it's a tragic case I know). Now, there are some of my female counterparts who boast about ALWAYS being able to finish the race successfully (I don't believe any of you lol), and if that's the case, they've been blessed. But for the majority of us, naaaaaaawwww.

Bottom line: Only 29-percent of women say they always reach a climax during sex.
I'm not trying to be loomy gloomy, I love you fellas, I just want to give you some perspective, straight, no chaser. I can't let guys, like my friend, the soldier, continue to be ignorant about this issue.

Love: in recovery.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

What i'm reading....

Why do women have sex?

Bottom line: For the same reasons men do, explain the authors of a groundbreaking new book that looks deep inside female desire....check the link out for more interesting info!


Love: down 1...but trying to stage a comeback.