Question: Can you hold a guys nickname against him?
I think first impressions are very important. When you meet someone you're attracted to, you want to put your best foot your best self...use your best bait to attract the best fish. This past weekend I met a guy at a barbecue who intrigued me a bit. He was cute, and I liked the way he handled himself (trying to get away from saying the word's so overused!) So, of course I made eye contact, and struck up a conversation. I asked him what he did, and he said he was an...drum roll please...Artist. Hmmm, red flag number one. An artist? What does that mean? Do you paint...draw...sing...what? Then he says, "I rap...i'm a rapper." Of course you are. Red flag number two. To me his whole I'm an artist hear me rap thing is a semi-fancy way of saying I don't do anything....I live in parents basement...and sell some form of narcotic to pay for my burger from Checkers. No one is JUST a rapper, unless they've made hundreds of records, sold millions of albums...and even then so many rappers do more than just, well, rap....look at Jay Z...I mean we all saw LL Cool J in SWAT right? Needless to say I was a tad turned off. BUT, I hate making concrete decisions and assumptions about someone I just's unfair. I wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt. So, as I was talking myself out of being judgemental his friend calls his name. "Hey Shiest?" Say what now? He explains that that's his nickname. Come again? defines shiest as a lying, cheating, dishonest, stealing, or simply shady mofo...someone to be suspicious of. He might as well call himself Criminal...Thief...Mr. Watch your purse. I mean, what the frick? You couldn't get a bigger red flag waving at me. Can you guess what my next move was?
Bottom line: If your closest friends coin a nickname for's probably something befitting of your personality or stems from a situation you were involved in. However, nicknames like "shiest" are not going to get you very far with this LADY.
Love: ??
LOL @ your red flag conversation. But, if any "man" says to you that he is an "Artist" or "Rapper" and you haven't heard of or seen him before, then its quite ok to walk away slowly as if the convo never occurred. lol
ReplyDeleteI think the whole artist talk was something that was supposed to impress you. He may have thought that you would have melted by that, but it sounds like you weren't intrigued lol...I think you should've called him on it. First you should've told him to freestyle (you could've gotten a feel for his potential), Then you should've asked why you haven't heard of him (he might've gotten defensive but hell he's the one that wants to be famous lol) Finally you should've asked how he funds his projects. That way you wouldn't have felt bad for judging him.