Tragedy in India...
More oil seeping :-(
Keyshia Cole's mom for real?!?!
A BIG merge...
I need to go work for the government...
Monday, July 19, 2010
Friday, July 16, 2010
Top 5 Newslinks of the Day!
Good morning to me...:-(
Let's all pray this works for good!
Hmmm, interesting...
Free Weezy!! lol
Let's all pray this works for good!
Hmmm, interesting...
Free Weezy!! lol
"We loved, you enriched my life, now grow and prosper..." Riiiiiiiiiight
Question: When someone you loved hurts you, how do you find the strength in your heart to be happy about their success?
At this point in many of our lives, we've all had that one pretty severe heartbreak by now. If not, than you're lucky, and you can stop reading because this blog post will pretty much do nothing for you. However, for many of us, we've been there...crying in a dark room, in the corner, red wine in hand (I mean the bottle, not the glass), and your sad and lonely mix on repeat...cue Toni Braxton's "Unbreak My Heart." Unfortunately, I have had the opportunity to be there, more than once, due to the same person and situation. (sigh)
After years of the back and forth, up and downs, black, white, and gray interpretations of our relationship status, it finally took him uprooting and moving away to end the tenure that was our dysfunctional existence together. Yes, it was still hard to let go, and my heart didn't want it to end, but ultimately I was relieved. I had no choice but to move on, and it was for the best. Someone who you love for years, but NEVER moves the relationship to the next level, is a total waste of time (oh how things are so clear in retrospect). BUT, post move, I found out he lied to me about a few BIG something that was pretty important. If I had of known the truth it would have prompted me to leave the situation and NOT look back a long time ago. I mean, it could have saved me YEARS of breakdowns, freak outs, and detrimental emotions! (excuse the dramatics, but it was THAT serious)
Literally, when I found out his lie, I wanted to kill him (sorry, just being honest). I was livid, hurt, and pretty hysterical. I thought, why tell me the truth now, why not then?? Oh, because we're basically done, no longer involved, you're more than 500 miles away, and I'd have to jump on a plane to get to you! Cruel, and totally disrespectful...and all he could say was "I'm sorry." Ugh, I cannot even begin to convey the depths of my despair, and the wing span of my anger...however, I'm sure you get the point.
But to finally and actually GET to the point, phew, he has decided to be in the entertainment business...and it looks like things are actually looking good for him. Of course I couldn't go on with my life without having him be absolutely unavoidable! I want to be supportive, I want to be happy for him, but I can't even muster up a fake half smile...I can't that even pretend that I'm not still upset...
He was recently in a new music video, and as I watched it, I cried my eyes out. Too many emotions flooded me at once. After all the years, I felt like I should be a part of it, to be able to celebrate with feel good about it all...and I just can't...and it's disappointing.
Bottom line: Only God can heal a truly broken heart. You can't force yourself to feel what you're not ready to feel. It takes courage and maturity to be the bigger person...but until you find have to just grin and bear it. That's life.
follow my every move on twitter...yes, I'm that interesting! desipoo26
At this point in many of our lives, we've all had that one pretty severe heartbreak by now. If not, than you're lucky, and you can stop reading because this blog post will pretty much do nothing for you. However, for many of us, we've been there...crying in a dark room, in the corner, red wine in hand (I mean the bottle, not the glass), and your sad and lonely mix on repeat...cue Toni Braxton's "Unbreak My Heart." Unfortunately, I have had the opportunity to be there, more than once, due to the same person and situation. (sigh)
After years of the back and forth, up and downs, black, white, and gray interpretations of our relationship status, it finally took him uprooting and moving away to end the tenure that was our dysfunctional existence together. Yes, it was still hard to let go, and my heart didn't want it to end, but ultimately I was relieved. I had no choice but to move on, and it was for the best. Someone who you love for years, but NEVER moves the relationship to the next level, is a total waste of time (oh how things are so clear in retrospect). BUT, post move, I found out he lied to me about a few BIG something that was pretty important. If I had of known the truth it would have prompted me to leave the situation and NOT look back a long time ago. I mean, it could have saved me YEARS of breakdowns, freak outs, and detrimental emotions! (excuse the dramatics, but it was THAT serious)
Literally, when I found out his lie, I wanted to kill him (sorry, just being honest). I was livid, hurt, and pretty hysterical. I thought, why tell me the truth now, why not then?? Oh, because we're basically done, no longer involved, you're more than 500 miles away, and I'd have to jump on a plane to get to you! Cruel, and totally disrespectful...and all he could say was "I'm sorry." Ugh, I cannot even begin to convey the depths of my despair, and the wing span of my anger...however, I'm sure you get the point.
But to finally and actually GET to the point, phew, he has decided to be in the entertainment business...and it looks like things are actually looking good for him. Of course I couldn't go on with my life without having him be absolutely unavoidable! I want to be supportive, I want to be happy for him, but I can't even muster up a fake half smile...I can't that even pretend that I'm not still upset...
He was recently in a new music video, and as I watched it, I cried my eyes out. Too many emotions flooded me at once. After all the years, I felt like I should be a part of it, to be able to celebrate with feel good about it all...and I just can't...and it's disappointing.
Bottom line: Only God can heal a truly broken heart. You can't force yourself to feel what you're not ready to feel. It takes courage and maturity to be the bigger person...but until you find have to just grin and bear it. That's life.
follow my every move on twitter...yes, I'm that interesting! desipoo26
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Top 5 Newslinks of the Day!

WOW, No pre-nup?? That's surprising...
Question: Even if you are separated...what's the level of disrespect when you allow yourself to be photographed "frolicking" with another woman, and you're still married?? ...or should this type of behavior just be expected and accepted?? I don't know *shrug*
Um, ok, sure, why not....smh
The Saga continues...
Such a tragedy :-(
Should we just chalk it up??
Monday, July 12, 2010
Top 5 Newslinks of the Day!
Oh Jesse...why???
Congrats SPAIN!
1 in 3...really???
Douche of the Day!
follow me on know you want to! desipoo26 ♥
Congrats SPAIN!
1 in 3...really???
Douche of the Day!
follow me on know you want to! desipoo26 ♥
Friday, July 9, 2010
Top 5 Newslinks of the day!
Coincidence??? .....maybe.
Fire in Oakland...
Twitter EMO...
Never gets old to me....:-)
Dear Fans...
Fire in Oakland...
Twitter EMO...
Never gets old to me....:-)
Dear Fans...
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Top 5 Newslinks of the Day!
Just plain sad....
Ooooo, Lindsay Lohan catches a waitresses fist with her face!
"Control, I can do what I wanna do..."
In time for the 4th! Interesting....
Ooooo, Lindsay Lohan catches a waitresses fist with her face!
"Control, I can do what I wanna do..."
In time for the 4th! Interesting....
Friday, July 2, 2010
Top 5 Newslinks of the day!
Has Google taken over the world yet.....
Talk about a bad day :-/...
Oh Mel...
desipoo26 ...tweet me ♥
Talk about a bad day :-/...
Oh Mel...
desipoo26 ...tweet me ♥
A Relationship With a Side of Gray
Question: What is the appropriate behavior when you're currently in a relationship "gray" area??
I know I'm not the only one who's been there...
You're seeing someone, but you guys are technically not committed to one another, and yet you speak everyday, are intimate, share some hopes and dreams...and the thought of the other being with someone else is, well, nauseating and hard to swallow. Still, for whatever reason, you refrain from becoming an item. I would have to say that this relationship state is probably one of the most dangerous to be in! The elusively problematic "GRAY" area.
So, you find out the one you're investing time in, and texting day and night, is seeing someone else. However, you can't get too upset, because you guys are, dun dun dun, not together. So, they don't call for a few days...can you feel some type of way? Of course you can...but yet how far in your feelings can you go, since, once again, you're NOT together...? The "gray" area relationship is one of those relationships that force, otherwise justifiable feelings, into a dark a dreary corner...only to build and fester until, wallah, it boils over and you've snapped...causing your other to look at you like a crazy person.
Despite it's dangerous nature, I feel many of us (mostly women) find ourselves here. It's mainly because one party is not "ready" or "afraid of commitment" ...but isn't committing to a non-commitment a commitment? But I digress...
In this kind of relationship you're pretty much allowed to have your cake and eat it too. You have all the perks of a relationship, but none of the responsibility...what man, um uh, person wouldn't want a relationship like this?
But IN this kind of relationship you obsess over what the appropriate reaction SHOULD be to something that has made you feel either upset, hurt, or according to the "gray" area, shall I say, rules. Instead of just reacting naturally, we pretend, we fake, we settle, and accept. Whether it's to avoid conflict, or in an attempt to not rock the boat. We hold back because of thoughts like "this is doing too much"..."we're not together so I shouldn't feel..." "he's not with" "he's probably doing the same thing so..."
So, if a "gray" area relationship is virtually equivalent to walking a tight rope on egg shells...why do we stay in them or even entertain them!?!? I would say hope. Hope that things will change. Hope that things will evolve. Hope that the other person will come to their senses and see how wonderful you are. But there's a very thin line between hope, and delusion.
Bottom line: Walking around all willy nilly is detrimental when your heart is on the line. If you are giving yourself, your time, your feelings, your heart, then there is no need for a gray area. Ultimately, the "gray" area relationship only means someone is it you? ♥
follow me on twitter! desipoo26
I know I'm not the only one who's been there...
You're seeing someone, but you guys are technically not committed to one another, and yet you speak everyday, are intimate, share some hopes and dreams...and the thought of the other being with someone else is, well, nauseating and hard to swallow. Still, for whatever reason, you refrain from becoming an item. I would have to say that this relationship state is probably one of the most dangerous to be in! The elusively problematic "GRAY" area.
So, you find out the one you're investing time in, and texting day and night, is seeing someone else. However, you can't get too upset, because you guys are, dun dun dun, not together. So, they don't call for a few days...can you feel some type of way? Of course you can...but yet how far in your feelings can you go, since, once again, you're NOT together...? The "gray" area relationship is one of those relationships that force, otherwise justifiable feelings, into a dark a dreary corner...only to build and fester until, wallah, it boils over and you've snapped...causing your other to look at you like a crazy person.
Despite it's dangerous nature, I feel many of us (mostly women) find ourselves here. It's mainly because one party is not "ready" or "afraid of commitment" ...but isn't committing to a non-commitment a commitment? But I digress...
In this kind of relationship you're pretty much allowed to have your cake and eat it too. You have all the perks of a relationship, but none of the responsibility...what man, um uh, person wouldn't want a relationship like this?
But IN this kind of relationship you obsess over what the appropriate reaction SHOULD be to something that has made you feel either upset, hurt, or according to the "gray" area, shall I say, rules. Instead of just reacting naturally, we pretend, we fake, we settle, and accept. Whether it's to avoid conflict, or in an attempt to not rock the boat. We hold back because of thoughts like "this is doing too much"..."we're not together so I shouldn't feel..." "he's not with" "he's probably doing the same thing so..."
So, if a "gray" area relationship is virtually equivalent to walking a tight rope on egg shells...why do we stay in them or even entertain them!?!? I would say hope. Hope that things will change. Hope that things will evolve. Hope that the other person will come to their senses and see how wonderful you are. But there's a very thin line between hope, and delusion.
Bottom line: Walking around all willy nilly is detrimental when your heart is on the line. If you are giving yourself, your time, your feelings, your heart, then there is no need for a gray area. Ultimately, the "gray" area relationship only means someone is it you? ♥
follow me on twitter! desipoo26
What i'm Reading....
It's summertime...the weather is warm...the sun is out...and if you're single, it's a perfect time to go on multiple first dates! Well, here is a little something I thought was interesting, and just right for the occassion...enjoy! ♥
Our experts teach you how to chat up anyone — especially that lovely creature sitting across the table from you.
Back when you were plotting your online profile, the delete key and edit function bailed you out of blunders before posting to the cyber-nation. Even voicemail grants us the beloved # button to erase verbal mistakes and botched witticisms. But once in the real-time arena of dating in person, though, what’s to keep you from shoving a shoe in your mouth and blowing the whole affair? Like your fairy godmother, consider us on your shoulder for that first date, reminding you not to step into the usual bachelor potholes. Specifically, we’ll help you watch out for these 10 common dating pitfalls that spoil chances of an Act II and render your mojo limp.....
Bottom line:
follow me on twitter...everyone is doing it! :-) desipoo26
Our experts teach you how to chat up anyone — especially that lovely creature sitting across the table from you.
Back when you were plotting your online profile, the delete key and edit function bailed you out of blunders before posting to the cyber-nation. Even voicemail grants us the beloved # button to erase verbal mistakes and botched witticisms. But once in the real-time arena of dating in person, though, what’s to keep you from shoving a shoe in your mouth and blowing the whole affair? Like your fairy godmother, consider us on your shoulder for that first date, reminding you not to step into the usual bachelor potholes. Specifically, we’ll help you watch out for these 10 common dating pitfalls that spoil chances of an Act II and render your mojo limp.....
Bottom line:
follow me on twitter...everyone is doing it! :-) desipoo26
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