It's day five of training camp for the Washington Redskins...and Defensive Tackle Albert Haynesworth has YET to pass his conditioning test. After failing it twice, he took the weekend off to "rest his legs" and was plagued by a "swollen knee." Now, he is the only Redskins player that has to take the test because he so wittingly chose to skip the team's offseason conditioning program. OK, call me crazy, but if you're getting paid millions upon millions of dollars to perform a job, and you CAN'T do it effectively, or you just DON'T do it at all, shouldn't you either get fired OR at least be docked pay?? That's how I thought it usually worked in the real world. But just a couple weeks ago, Mr. Haynesworth was given yet another MILLION dollar check. What the foolery?? In my opinion, a professional football player should NEVER be out of shape once training camp hits. You get paid to maintain yourself, to be a team player...to WANT to win. This isn't Pop Warner...this is the NFL for heavens sake! Haynesworth is a grown man, with a million dollar bank account, but where is his accountability? Where is his respect for the game AND for the fans?? Heck, give me a 100-million dollars, and I'll take as many conditioning tests as you want, catch however many balls you want, run wherever you want...and do it all with a big ol' koolaid smile! His behavior is equivalent to giving the middle finger to the heart of the game of football...and then slapping it's mother sensless with a mean backhand! Ok, maybe that's a tad overdramatic, but i'm just saying. Someone needs to light a bonfire under his 300 pound a$$, and make him work a little bit, well A LOT harder for that million dollar pay check. Die hard Redskins fans deserve as much! But hey, that's just my two cents...
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