Tuesday, June 7, 2011

In His Feelings: Episode 2

Sooo, I received a Facebook message from a guy I didn't know:

"I saw you at Park (a local DC nightclub) one Thursday. I wanted to talk to you, but you were preoccupied, but I think you're beautiful."

Now, I would normally respond to a message like this quickly, and with a "thank you," but when the message was sent, I was traveling, getting over a bad cold, and blah blah blah. Basically, I wasn't really focused on my Facebook messages. Fast forward to today, and I get another message from the same guy, entitled "messed up:"

"Dag, that's messed up, I sent you a message, and you didn't even respond,:

Ummmm, ok. When did I become indebted to men I didn't knkow? This message made me frown, but it also made me chuckle with perplexity. It amazes me that there are folks out there, who can send a Facebook message to someone they've never met, and expect priority. Expect urgency. When did Facebook stop becoming a tool to help you stay connected with people you already know? When did Facebook become malicious, and so entitled?

Bottom line: Facebook...friend or foe?

Follow me on Twitter...i'm protected, but still open! :-) @desipoo26

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